Can You Read Your Own Tarot Cards?

Can You Read Your Own Tarot Cards?

Have you been wondering about how you can read your tarot cards? You are not only one feeling that way because many other people out there are asking the same question.

Indeed, tarot cards can be many things to many people. To some, the cards have specific messages in each card and it takes someone with a higher intuition to decode that. To some other people, reading tarot cards helps them go back to time.
What You Must Do Before Reading Tarot Cards

Reading tarot cards is not like reading a book. More efforts go into reading the cards because it has to do with intuition.
Therefore, you must continually do all you can to ensure that you aren’t reading the tarot cards when you shouldn’t.
To inspire you and get you more conscious about that, here are some tips you can use before reading tarot cards:
Read When Your Head Is Clear

Because Tarot cards can transport you to the past, you must avoid reading it when you are emotional.
The reason is that your emotions may interfere with the reading. When that happens, you may not get the accurate information you could have gotten because your mind wasn’t settled.

If you just had a breakup with your lover, a spat with a lover, or some other unpleasant experience, please stay away from the tarot cards. When you must have cooled down, you can then go back to read the cards and you will be wowed by the results.
Master the Art of Memorization

As much as intuition is an important element in tarot cards, memorizing the cards is another. You should try as much as possible to memorize each of the cards on the tarot deck. That way, interpreting the cards wouldn’t be difficult as it may have seemed.
How to Read Your Tarot Cards

When you must have mastered the important tips for reading the tarot cards, it will be time to make your first read.
Here are some of the guides you can use to start a personal tarot card reading:

1. Practice Everyday
You will be an excellent tarot card reader if you are consistent about it. What is another way is consistency measured if not by reading the cards every day?
We must mention that the everyday practice with the cards is one side of the coin. The other aspect you must master in the process is how to meditate as you are reading.
Moreover, you should read and internalize the imagery on each of the cards. So that when you begin to make comparisons with the cards and what is in the book, you will make an accurate assessment.

2. Connect with Your Intuition
You already know that your intuition is the first thing that is needed to be successful at tarot card reading.
The hurdle that many people are yet to scale is how to connect their intuition to the cards. You may be experiencing the same challenge and wondering how to solve it. First, you must understand that your intuition is the perception of what you think. And because tarot cards can help you make predictions, you must go about it the right way. We advise that you take the first major step of sitting down to consider the problem you have at hand. It is the answers to that problem or challenge that you are looking to find using tarot cards.

Once you have figured out the problem you want to resolve, the next thing is to phrase it into a question. The essence of this is to ensure that your mind is yearning to find the answers and not just to ponder on the problem.
With those two in place, you can read your tarot cards. At the same time, ensure that you try as much as possible to connect your intuition so that you can immediately create the needed space to listen to what your intuition (mind) has to say about the problem.

3. Be Calm and Focused
Tarot cards do work. At least, there are lots of testimonies out there for people who read them.
But, what you may not have been told is that you may be a good tarot card reader if you are not focused. It is a skill that only a focused and calm person with a clear vision can acquire how to read tarot cards.
Therefore, being calm and focused is one of the most important considerations for a successful tarot carding.
Below are some tips to inspire you on how to bring in calm and focus into the reading:
• Designate a spot because it makes it easier for you to have a place where you can always go to meditate with your tarot cards.
• Ensure that the space you are dedicating is somewhere that will enhance the reading.
• Do well to adorn your favorite tarot cards reading spot with those accents you like. Some of these are candles and precious stones.

4. Be Tactical About the Spread
It is time to bring tactics into the tarot cards reading. Your tactics and focus will combine to help you use your intuition well in resolving issues.
A good rule is to ensure that you stick with the card spread that you understand. For example, if you have been mastering and using the 3-card spread, it wouldn’t make sense to start with another.

Second, it will do you a world of good to use the appropriate spread that aligns with the problem or challenge.
When you start doing those, it wouldn’t be long before you will become an expert in the art of reading tarot cards.
What You Must Not Do When Reading Tarot Cards

While you may be successful at some points, you can continue to push harder when you avoid some things.
Below are some of the tarot cards reading mistakes that you must always avoid:
• Avoid multiple readings because you may get varied answers that will confuse you further.
• You may not be objective enough, and that is why you will only get the answers you have pre-programmed in your mind and not what the tarot cards say.
• Do not forget to write down the first thoughts that came to your mind when you see the tarot cards.

Prepare to Read Your Tarot Cards
You may not need a third party to read and interpret the tarot cards for you because it is something that demands a personal connection with the intuition.
So, start conditioning your mind with the “I can do it spirit,” and when you are ready to give it a shot, the tips above will guide you.
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  • Hi, I love your YouTube channel I always go there to understand and learn, I’ve always felt that my intuition is strong so I started learning about the tarot just about a year ago. The tips you shared are great to get for a good reading, sometimes I tried when I wasn’t calmed or was not ok and the readings were very confusing. I don’t read for others yet, I just read for a friend and a relative that really trust my intuition, I am a bit afraid to open up and read other people, I do it here alone at home. Thank you!

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