Tag - four of wands in tarot

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A happy couple wave out to you from afar. Four wands hold up a wedding canopy of flowers and fruit, and it’s as if the reader is being called to walk under it.

It’s possible that there’s a party and the people are waiting for someone to come home. There is an overall sense of welcoming. One man wears blue, the color of clarity, and the woman wears red, the color of life. There is a union of people in the background, by the castle.

The ground appears to be an expanse of the same dirt that the Three of Wands traversed. It ends at a white castle, at purity, where there’s apparently a party going on. The weary traveler is invited to come and join the festivities.

The land is lush up against the castle, where the castle wall expands from one end of the card to another, rising up as it goes from left to right.

The Four of Wands is stability and celebration. The Three of Wands has made it through the dry land and over the mountains. It didn’t know what was on the other side, but the Four of Wands shows that the wanderer lucked out. Not only is there plenty in the case of material goods, but there is plenty of protection, and social stability.

The wedding canopy denotes that there is a family gathering happening right now, that there is harmony between different groups, and that they’re celebrating the creation of harmony.

The Four of Wands is a big sigh of relief, and a pair of welcoming arms to fall into. It’s taking joy in family, close friends, places that are welcoming. The Four Wands is in particular places and people that make the querent feel welcome and taken care of. Those places need not be the querent’s actual home or actual family.

Peace is created with the Four of Wands, just as a marriage is created through the assent of two adults choosing to become family with each other. The querent has to actively create or seek out this harmony. Like a marriage, the querent is choosing their own family and their own people to be at peace with.

When Reversed:

When the Four of Wands is reversed, it usually means that there is disharmony and social rejection. Whether the social rejection is done by the querent or is done to the querent depends on other factors. It may be that the querent is like water and oil with the people it’s supposed to get along with.

The Four of Wands reversed can also indicate instability, like a marriage on the rocks, or a changing family dynamic that puts the peace at risk. It may also represent an outright denial of whatever threatens the family stability, thereby allowing the threat to go unchecked.

The querent may be rejecting family or long-term relationships. They may not want to give up their freedom for the stability of the group, and they may part ways.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, things were well with the querent. They may have had a charmed life with no major issues. They were secure and felt well cared for.

Present: In the present, the querent feels stable, loved, and nourished. They may not be particularly ambitious for more than that.

Future: In the future, the querent will achieve the stability and family they’re looking for, provided that they actively seek it out.