Tag - what does the nine of pentacles mean in tarot

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles

Suit: Pentacles
Element: Earth
Function: Possessions, riches, material things, practicality

An adult woman stands in a garden surrounded by ripen grape vines with nine pentacles in the leaves. Her garden is behind a gate, overlooking the mountains. The mountains symbolize strength, and the grapes symbolize richness, abundance, and life.

The woman wears a leather glove on her left hand as a falcon rests on it. Her mind and spirit are under control, and can be released at will. She wears a yellow cloak, the color of intellect, with red rosebuds and trim. The rosebuds symbolize magick that has yet to be realized, and the red is passion. However, her passion is tempered and under her control.

Everything she has is because she has control. Her abundance comes from ability to control her mind, energy, and will and direct them toward the things that will create wealth. There is some magic to that; and considering that it’s a woman on the card, and that the picture was drawn in antiquity, her feat was more than your average rags-to-riches story.

A little snail crawls across the grass. While a snail symbolizes the spiral, or the cycles of expansion, it also symbolizes destruction, because a snail will eat the leaves and grapes that the woman appears to be celebrating. Thus, the snail serves as a reminder of the temporal nature of all material abundance. Even something small, like a snail, can take it away. Thus, she my look at ease, but she is definitely on her guard. This doesn’t cut down her enjoyment. In fact, she’s well-pleased with all she has earned, knowing that she earned it, that it is something she could lose. Thus, this card is about enjoying what you earn in the moment you have it.

The Nine of Pentacles tells you that for the moment sit back and smell the roses. Enjoy what you’ve created and what you grew. It should be enjoyed precisely because it won’t be around forever, and delaying the moment means losing your chance.

The Nine of Pentacles can also mean that if you want to reap the rewards of something, you have to do it yourself. Don’t want for someone to hand it to you; victory is sweeter when you get it on your own. You’re willing to put in the time and effort.

When the nine of pentacles is Reversed:

When the Nine of Pentacles is reversed, the querent is waiting for someone else to make their lives happen for them. They’re relying on someone else’s hard work and talents to bring in fortune. They may be failing restrain themselves and avoid impulsive moves that would keep them from growing their own fortunes.

Regret, or future regret, is likely when Nine of Pentacles is reversed. This card reversed can also mean that the querent isn’t enjoying the fruits of their labor, and that they’re too focused on the possibility of future shortages to enjoy the moment they have right now. Thus, they could lose all the good things they have by the time they realize they have them.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent focused their energy and skills on cultivating something big, were successful, and enjoyed the fruits of their labor.

Present: The querent is currently enjoying well-earned success and the spoils that come with it.

Future: The querent is working hard and will soon be able to enjoy the material success that comes with a job well done.