Category - Tarot Information

Telling Real Psychics From Fake Psychics

Telling Real Psychics From Fake Psychics

Psychics are highly sought-after because of the advice and guidance they give to people. With many bothered and wondering about what the future holds, many of them have turned to the psychics because of the latter’s ability to look into the future. As much as psychics as highly regarded and they are revered for most accuracy of their predictions, doubts still linger in the minds of some people. Now that the fake psychics have joined the game, it becomes a little bit difficult to differentiate the real from the fake.

How to Tell if a Psychic is Real or Not
You are not a psychic – so how can you find out if one is real or not? It will interest you to know that there are many ways to find out if your psychic is more interested in the cash and gifts you are offering than clairvoyance.
Here are some of the differences that separate the real psychics from the fake ones:

1. Speaking Slowly
One of the major ways to determine if a psychic is genuine or not is by checking the manner of speech.
Ideally, there are two ways to check this. The first is to check if the psychic is speaking slowly. The other is to determine if the psychic speaks faster.
There have been many reports and counter-reports that support both perspectives. You may want to check out with different psychics to convince yourself further.
On the one hand, it is believed that a psychic that speaks faster is real because he has all the information that you need. The psychic doesn’t have to pause for a while to hear your response so you will give more clues that will help the psychic defraud you.
On the other hand, some good reasons support why a psychic that speaks slowly is considered a hoax and into fraudulent activities. In this case, such a psychic speaks slowly so he can monitor your reactions to what he says.
For example, the psychic may go along this line, “You’ve been hurt so much.” If you begin to let out silent sobs or get a bit emotional, it indicates to the psychic that you have really been hurt. That also urges the psychic to keep pushing on with some deliberate slow speeches until he hits the point of your pain.

2. Generalizing Issues
A real psychic goes straight to the point without having to beat around the bush. It is a popular opinion that a psychic that worth his onion already knows the problems or challenges you have even when you haven’t uttered a word to that effect.
Hence, you can tell the difference between a real psychic and a fake one by looking at how issues are generalized. Instead of addressing you this way, “You have a heart problem,” the psychic may go this way, “I am seeing a heart problem.”
So, if it turns out that you don’t have a heart problem, the psychic will still be considered right because the statement was vague and not targeted at you.

3. Understanding the Client
No one would visit a psychic if he or she didn’t have a problem. And the psychic will always want people to patronize the service. So, it two-way traffic!
One important factor that you must look for to determine if a psychic is real or not is the understanding of your problem.
If the psychic starts to make claims that do not in any way replicate the issue/problem you have, it is obvious that you are dealing with a hoax.
How to Find out Fake Psychics Experience, they say, is the best teacher. But, there are some experiences you don’t wish to have in the first place.
We wouldn’t want you to become a victim of the antics and tricks of fake psychics. Therefore, read the tips below to learn about the most common tricks used by

    fake psychics:

Gathering Information About You
Well, this clue shouldn’t be surprising to you because it is one of the oldest tricks used by fake psychics. And in this age that the Internet and digital media are common, it is easier to get enough information about you.
So, the Number 1 thing that fake psychics to thrill you is to gather enough information about you. It wouldn’t be a tough task, because all that is to be done is to check your Social Media accounts. More often than not, you are overwhelmed by emotions and burden and try to put it out there to get cheap pity from people.
In some other cases, these fake psychics employ the services of third-parties to monitor your activities and report back to them. That way, your needs are understood ahead of time and when you come calling, the fake psychics will easily release them to your astonishment.

Being Vague
Fake psychics are neither here nor there. They simply make vague claims and wait for your reaction to determine if the claims are right or wrong.
If the claims are right, the fake psychics will proceed to make another claim that supports the first until you give enough signals for the psychic to arrive at your challenge.

Otherwise, fake psychics have a way of backtracking or taking back their words. If the claim were to be that you have a friend who doesn’t like you and it turns out your friends love you very much, the fake psychic can always backtrack to say that it is a friend to one of your friends that is making the latter to hate you.

How to Find a Trustworthy Psychic
In a world filled with deception, it may be hard to find out who a real and fake psychic is.
But, if you are really interested in using a psychic or medium, here are some of the ways to find the one that won’t scam you:
• Check for testimonials, referrals, and what other people are saying. If more people will be happy to recommend a psychic, it means that the psychic is real and good at what he does.
• Define the type of psychic you want to consult. When you have set your expectations, it becomes easier to find the best and real psychic because you have filtered out some of the clues that can attract a fake psychic.
• Avoid a psychic that asks a lot of questions because he or she may be doing all that to extract important information from you.
• Be suspicious of a psychic that gives conditions, such as asking you to wait for a specific time or make return visits to the psychic’s before you get the results you need.


Psychics or mediums can be the channel you need to communicate with the other world and get answers to some problems you may be having.
You only need to understand how psychics operate and how to differentiate between the good and the bad so you can tell the genuine one.
How do you know a psychic that is real?



Can You Read Your Own Tarot Cards?

Can You Read Your Own Tarot Cards?

Have you been wondering about how you can read your tarot cards? You are not only one feeling that way because many other people out there are asking the same question.

Indeed, tarot cards can be many things to many people. To some, the cards have specific messages in each card and it takes someone with a higher intuition to decode that. To some other people, reading tarot cards helps them go back to time.
What You Must Do Before Reading Tarot Cards

Reading tarot cards is not like reading a book. More efforts go into reading the cards because it has to do with intuition.
Therefore, you must continually do all you can to ensure that you aren’t reading the tarot cards when you shouldn’t.
To inspire you and get you more conscious about that, here are some tips you can use before reading tarot cards:
Read When Your Head Is Clear

Because Tarot cards can transport you to the past, you must avoid reading it when you are emotional.
The reason is that your emotions may interfere with the reading. When that happens, you may not get the accurate information you could have gotten because your mind wasn’t settled.

If you just had a breakup with your lover, a spat with a lover, or some other unpleasant experience, please stay away from the tarot cards. When you must have cooled down, you can then go back to read the cards and you will be wowed by the results.
Master the Art of Memorization

As much as intuition is an important element in tarot cards, memorizing the cards is another. You should try as much as possible to memorize each of the cards on the tarot deck. That way, interpreting the cards wouldn’t be difficult as it may have seemed.
How to Read Your Tarot Cards

When you must have mastered the important tips for reading the tarot cards, it will be time to make your first read.
Here are some of the guides you can use to start a personal tarot card reading:

1. Practice Everyday
You will be an excellent tarot card reader if you are consistent about it. What is another way is consistency measured if not by reading the cards every day?
We must mention that the everyday practice with the cards is one side of the coin. The other aspect you must master in the process is how to meditate as you are reading.
Moreover, you should read and internalize the imagery on each of the cards. So that when you begin to make comparisons with the cards and what is in the book, you will make an accurate assessment.

2. Connect with Your Intuition
You already know that your intuition is the first thing that is needed to be successful at tarot card reading.
The hurdle that many people are yet to scale is how to connect their intuition to the cards. You may be experiencing the same challenge and wondering how to solve it. First, you must understand that your intuition is the perception of what you think. And because tarot cards can help you make predictions, you must go about it the right way. We advise that you take the first major step of sitting down to consider the problem you have at hand. It is the answers to that problem or challenge that you are looking to find using tarot cards.

Once you have figured out the problem you want to resolve, the next thing is to phrase it into a question. The essence of this is to ensure that your mind is yearning to find the answers and not just to ponder on the problem.
With those two in place, you can read your tarot cards. At the same time, ensure that you try as much as possible to connect your intuition so that you can immediately create the needed space to listen to what your intuition (mind) has to say about the problem.

3. Be Calm and Focused
Tarot cards do work. At least, there are lots of testimonies out there for people who read them.
But, what you may not have been told is that you may be a good tarot card reader if you are not focused. It is a skill that only a focused and calm person with a clear vision can acquire how to read tarot cards.
Therefore, being calm and focused is one of the most important considerations for a successful tarot carding.
Below are some tips to inspire you on how to bring in calm and focus into the reading:
• Designate a spot because it makes it easier for you to have a place where you can always go to meditate with your tarot cards.
• Ensure that the space you are dedicating is somewhere that will enhance the reading.
• Do well to adorn your favorite tarot cards reading spot with those accents you like. Some of these are candles and precious stones.

4. Be Tactical About the Spread
It is time to bring tactics into the tarot cards reading. Your tactics and focus will combine to help you use your intuition well in resolving issues.
A good rule is to ensure that you stick with the card spread that you understand. For example, if you have been mastering and using the 3-card spread, it wouldn’t make sense to start with another.

Second, it will do you a world of good to use the appropriate spread that aligns with the problem or challenge.
When you start doing those, it wouldn’t be long before you will become an expert in the art of reading tarot cards.
What You Must Not Do When Reading Tarot Cards

While you may be successful at some points, you can continue to push harder when you avoid some things.
Below are some of the tarot cards reading mistakes that you must always avoid:
• Avoid multiple readings because you may get varied answers that will confuse you further.
• You may not be objective enough, and that is why you will only get the answers you have pre-programmed in your mind and not what the tarot cards say.
• Do not forget to write down the first thoughts that came to your mind when you see the tarot cards.

Prepare to Read Your Tarot Cards
You may not need a third party to read and interpret the tarot cards for you because it is something that demands a personal connection with the intuition.
So, start conditioning your mind with the “I can do it spirit,” and when you are ready to give it a shot, the tips above will guide you.
Do you read your tarot cards? Tell us using the comment

Are Tarot Cards Scary? No ofcourse not

Death, the Tower, and The Others: The Bright Side of the Scary Cards of the Tarot

The Tarot is not a collection of 72 pats on the back. The major and minor arcana represent all of the possible experiences a human may have, both good and bad. No one’s is a one-way trajectory into Heaven, so it makes sense that there are cards that indicate loss, sorrow, frustration, doubt, fear, anger, conflict, and weakness. After all, everyone experiences these, and no one has a completely charmed life.

Some of these cards as scarier than others, and some of these cards just have a bad reputation. However, they are all good.

The Major Arcana: The Hanged Man, Death, The Devil, and The Tower are all good cards. Trust me.

If you look at tarot through a religious dichotomy of good vs. evil, light vs. dark, you’ll miss the spiritual textures and nuances of the tarot. It’s not moral relativism either, but an acceptance of the fact that with every light comes a shadow, and that we tend to focus on one or the other, and stand in either the light or the shadow at any given time. Anyone who has worked outdoors on a hot day in the summer knows how great it is to stand under the shade of a tree.

So, when these cards come up, it doesn’t necessarily mean doom, gloom, and destruction. Okay, well, that’s what The Tower literally means, but it doesn’t mean that your life will forever be in shambles until it ends. It means that the life you have now, and what you think your life is and who you are is about to transform completely, and it can’t transform without a few growing pains.

Scary Major Arcana Cards represent the very scary precipice of complete and total transformation. After all, a butterfly can’t emerge without breaking the chrysalis. At some point, your attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and approaches to life no longer work and you have no choice but to change. Whatever you’re asking about will not be the same after this.

Are you going to accept or fight change? All the kids who wrote in your high school yearbook that you should never change were WRONG. You should change. You must change. To be human is to change. No one should stay the same, have the same dreams, have the same likes and dislikes, or have the same desires. To cling to your youthful desires is to never grow up. To never grow up is to never reach your potential and to never live a full life.

The Minor Arcana: If You Want to Surf, Ride the Waves. If You Want to Drown, Fight Them.

The minor arcana don’t deal with major life themes or changes, but rather the more ordinary and the everyday. However, all the little things that happen over the course of one’s life will definitely accumulate and create a movement toward a major change. An avalanche is made up of millions of snowflakes. Think of the minor arcana cards as representative of the snowflakes and the major arcana cards as representative of the avalanche.

So, when scary minor arcana cards come up, indicating sorrow and loss, or more complex negative situations, like social tension, or being forced to wait, it’s indicating the small things that will happen in life that require an adjustment. Like surfing, you don’t need to make huge changes in the way you stand or the direction you’re in, but subtle ones that work with the movement of the water.

Scary minor arcana cards indicate the subtle shifts and changes you have to navigate in order to stay on track. There is simply no way you can go through life without some adversity. You don’t have to go out and find it. Simply having the audacity to be yourself without shame is enough to create challenges. This is especially true if you’re creative or bold in any way and are stuck in a place in the world in which conformity is the order of things.

Even hardship can bring joy, if you know how to make joy. Why do people create drama and conflict, and why is it always people who have nothing else going on in their lives who decide to make things harder for everyone else? Humans need a degree of harshness in their lives. This is how we evolved: we became what we are because we were conditioned to adversity and to overcoming it. Our brains don’t work with bliss. We’re not jellyfish floating gently by in the tide. We’re fighters by nature.

So, what do you do when a scary card comes up?

You embrace it and you figure out what to do with it. In order to create, something else must be destroyed. Unless you’ve asked a very, very specific question, you may not know what you could do to work with the energy of a scary card. This means that you have the opportunity to be creative in order to solve your problem. Pending financial shortages? Maybe it’s time to be bold and start a side gig or business. Problems with friends? Maybe you need to meet new people.

But the very worst thing you could do is wallow in your fear. Take your gift and do something creative.

Don’t shop around tarot readers

Avoiding the Temptation of Shopping Around for the Answer You Want and Learning to Work With the Answer You Have

So, you got a reading, but it wasn’t exactly what you wanted. So, you get another one. That one doesn’t tell you exactly what you want to hear either. In fact, it may tell you something different. So, you get another one, and that one is different from the other two. You’re completely confused. You think you’ve been cheated, ripped off, bamboozled.

Or maybe you created this situation by trying to bargain-shop for destiny.

Each time you go for a reading, you alter some course, some path, which alters the future. The more you dwell on your need or want, the less likely you’ll actually get what you want, and the more likely something else may happen. Here’s how to avoid doing that by learning to invest in one reading and learning to work with that one reading.

Come to the reading with no expectations. One of the ways a client accidentally ruins their own reading is by coming to it expecting a certain answer to be given in a certain way. A tarot reading isn’t an elaborate ritual to give you permission to do what you want, or assure you that you’ll get what you want. It’s asking the universe what happened, what happens now, and what will happen. If you knew these things already, then what’s the point of getting a reading anyway?

It’s okay to want or need things. It’s okay to want or need things badly. However, you have to take a step back and realize that in life, you can’t always have what you want. Sure, there are people who will give you exactly what you want, but that comes at a price. In that case…

…Go to a tarot reader you trust and connect with. Honesty costs more than flattery. Sure, you can get someone to tell you pretty things and take your money. Now, everyone needs honest encouragement and kindness. This isn’t flattery. Unless it’s absolutely true that the sky’s the limit for you, then no one reader should tell you that. You know you’re not perfect, and that nothing comes with absolute ease. A tarot reader shouldn’t try to convince you otherwise.

Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect any kindness. That would be insane, and chances are that a reader who doesn’t know how to talk to people isn’t going to be in business for too long. But you should be given a reason to trust your reader.

Be open to whatever happens in life, knowing you’ll be okay. You’re a big boy or big girl now. You can handle it when life hands you lemons. One of the biggest hurdles you have to get over is realizing that sometimes, even if you do your best, even if you lay your plans well and execute them exactly, you may still fail. Your effort, determination, and desires may not necessarily lead to success. Even if you fail, you probably aren’t going to fall apart. There are people who deal with crushing disappointments who still regroup and move on.

This is often seen in the case of divorces or failing relationships. Tarot card readers have dealt with their fair share of readings dealing with marriages that are falling apart. The person in front of them may either want to save a sinking ship or continue to go down with it. They’re not the same person they will be in the future, when they love again, and are happier and healthier people. They’re the person despairing over their failing marriage. They don’t want to hear that things won’t work out, even though it’s for the best if they don’t work out.

But you’d be surprised how much a person can live through and find a way to thrive if they want to thrive. Ask yourself: do you want to thrive, and are you willing to try under any circumstance? If so, you can take whatever comes your way.

Accept that life is both sweet and bitter, and you can’t have one without the other. After all, life isn’t a sitcom. Problems don’t resolve themselves in half an hour. Bills have to be paid. People get sick, they get old, and they die. This is life. And things that aren’t so great will happen to you, too. And a tarot card reader may very well pick up on something not so nice happening. Wouldn’t you rather know it and face it than stick your head in the sand and keep asking until someone tells you something different?

Readers are human. We can tell when someone really, really wants us to tell them something in particular. We can also tell when someone has been shopping around for different answers. Sometimes, clients will just flat out tell us this.

This puts us in a very unique dilemma. We have a loyalty to the truth. However, we also want to make you happy and help you. We know that if you’re going to shut your ears to the truth, you’re not going to get anything out of the reading. So, we may sugarcoat the truth. Now, some of us may sugarcoat it more than others. Some of us may lay it on so thickly that we end up covering up the truth entirely. For each reading, another coat of sugar.

The problem is that the truth is still there; you just don’t realize it until it’s too late. It’s better to face it now, shore up your courage, and go bravely into your life, isn’t it?

Types of Tarot Card Decks

Different Types of Tarot Card Decks: Most Commonly Used Tarot Decks and Their Variations

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of variations of the modern tarot card decks. From its Renaissance origins as playing cards to its modern-day, mass-produced availability to appeal to every aesthetic or mood, each deck is unique. However, there are some general categories for decks. You can speak to 100 readers and get 100 different answers as to which tarot decks they like to use. From traditional Rider-Waite cards, to Oracle cards, to pagan cards, the possibilities may seem endless. For the person getting the reading, the most important thing is that your reader connects to their cards.

However, there may come a time where you sit down with your tarot reader and see a deck that looks strange to you. Or, you may simply be curious as to what type of deck they use and why. If so, learn about the categories of decks a reader has available.

Common Tarot Decks

Sola Busca Tarot: This is the earliest known published tarot deck, published around 1491 in Northern Italy, most likely Milan. The 22 trump cards, or major arcana, were ornately designed, while the minor arcana, or remaining 56 cards, were simpler in design, though designed nonetheless. The original entire deck is still owned by the Sola Busca family, though pictures can be seen online and at the British Museum. It’s unknown whether this deck was used for divination or not. However, the wheels of the universe were turning, as the symbolism in this deck inspired occultists centuries later. While it’s possible to do a tarot reading with reproductions of this deck, it’s a rare thing to find a reader who uses this one, especially since it wasn’t designed with divination in mind.

Rider-Waite and Rider-Waite Inspired Tarot: This is the most emblematic of tarot cards, and the one that most people recognize as tarot. These cards were drawn according to the specifications occultist and mystic A.E. Rider gave it to the illustrator, Gold Dawn member Pamela Coleman Smith. Rider meticulously described the symbolism for all 78 cards, including the major and minor arcanas. It was inspired by the Sola-Busca deck. In fact, some of the cards in the Ride-Waite Tarot, like the Three of Swords and the Ten of Wands, are a near-exact replica.

Most modern tarot decks are a revision of the Ride-Waite Tarot deck, with both similar graphics and interpretations as Rider-Waite tarot. There are hundreds of creative variations of the deck. Readers use whichever decks they connect with best. Some popular versions include The Deviant Moon, The Wild Unknown, the Wild Wood tarot, and the Thoth tarot. Since the ultimate purpose of the tarot deck is to interpret and intuit the messages symbolized in the pictures on the cards, it’s most important that the artwork resonates with the reader.

Since most tarot readers learn the symbolism of the tarot through the Rider-Waite deck, all decks that follow in this path generally contain cards that reflect the same meaning and general symbolism of the Rider-Waite deck. For example, a Magician card will mean the same thing throughout every deck, even if the illustration is different.

Oracle Decks: Like tarot decks, oracle decks tap into the wisdom of the universe to convey divine messages. Oracle decks are specifically used to contact angels or other spiritual beings. The reader concentrates on the question and chooses cards under the guidance of the angel or spiritual being. These decks may be smaller than the traditional tarot and do not have a major or minor arcana. The ones most commonly available contain about 44 cards of depictions of angels, goddesses, or spiritual creatures that represent an archetype or virtue. The reader interprets the past, present, future, or nature of the problem depending on the archetype or virtue of the figure on the card.

An oracle deck may be used in the same manner as a tarot deck, though they are also used as a way to connect with specific spirits or archetypal energies for wisdom and guidance. Those who use oracle cards may also rely on their psychic abilities to interpret the messages they receive. Thus, the tarot deck may be used as a supplement to medium work or spiritualism.

Druid/Pagan/Hermetic Decks: Practitioners of specific occult paths may use a tarot deck designed for their occult or religious path. These cards contain imagery that is sacred to these paths or particularly resonate with these practitioners. Generally speaking, pagans can work with any deck they choose, and most likely will work with whatever deck resonates with them the most.

There are pagan decks that resonate with every flavor and color of paganism, from Wicca to Heathenry to Druidry. Druid tarot contains specific Celtic and Earth-based themes that resonate with Druidism. The Hermetic Tarot is designed with imagery from the order of the Golden Dawn. It also works as a teaching device to help the reader further understand alchemical symbolism.  For some pagans, tarot readings are part of their magickal path, and may do these for themselves on a regular basis, before casting spells, or as part of holiday rituals. Wiccans may use decks that have imagery close to their particular beliefs or practices. They may use a goddess tarot, fairy, or other tarot cards that resonate with their particular religious practices.

Understanding Tarot Cards

Understanding Tarot Cards: Symbolism and Intuition

Tarot cards are rich in imagery that guide the reader to understanding tarot cards and not just the superficial meaning of the card, but all of the possible nuances and symbolism. Since nothing is life is two-dimensional, the meanings of the tarot aren’t either. Sometimes, when a reader pulls a card that seems strange or inappropriate, a closer look at the image on the card can shed light on the complexities of the situation at hand.

Just about every deck will come with an instruction booklet that will help the new user interpret each card and understand what the particular artist wants to convey on each tarot card. However, a reader must connect with the deck, and that means that the pictures not only speak to but converse with them. A reader wants to cultivate this connection with their cards.

While trying to cultivate a connection to the cards, these tips can help a new tarot reader or client understand tarot:

Look at the arcana: The tarot is split into the major and minor arcana. The major arcana, comprised of 22 cards, tends to reflect major changes or life passages. The major arcana is personal. These are things that happen within a person.

When these show up in a reading, the matter the card reflects is not only of great importance, but may be one that can impact the course of one’s life. A spread with a lot of major arcana cards indicates an individual who is going through a major personal transformation or journey.

The minor arcana, on the other hand, is comprised of 56 cards and reflects things outside the person, such as smaller events, objects, other people, and situations. These may be catalysts to major changes reflected in the major arcana. A spread with a lot of minor arcana cards indicates that the individual is dealing with a lot of different possibilities, activities, and circumstances. The minor arcana is split into the four suits of Pentacles, Wands, Swords, and Cups, reflecting the elements of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, respectively.

Look at the suit. The suit of a card reflects how the person feels about whatever the card represents. For example, if the card represents the immediate past, the suit of the card tells how the person deals with the past. A Pentacles card reflects a monetary or material attitude toward the area of life the card reflects. A Wands card reflects something that the individual is very passionate about. A Swords card reflects something that the person rationalizes or deals with intellectually. A Cups card is something that a person deals with emotionally and through intuition.

So, staying with the example, a Pentacles card reflecting the immediate. past may indicate a person who worked hard for material gain. A wand card may reflect a person who thinks of the past as a tumultuous, intense, or creative time. A Swords card indicates that the person looks back on the immediate past with cool, rational detachment. A Cups card indicates a person who is very much emotionally connected to their recent past.


Look at number/court. Even the court or number on the card gives an indication of what the card represents.

Kings represent masculinity, authority, fatherhood, creativity, and enterprise. Queens represent femininity, beauty, nurturing, motherhood, and quiet wisdom. Knights represent a young adult: ambitious, energetic, courageous, and at times intense. Pages represent youth, children, teenagers, rashness, naiveté, enthusiasm, idealism, and excitement.

The numbers also have meanings, largely related to their occult/Kabbalistic meaning.


Aces mean newness, beginnings, and creation.

Twos mean balance, dilemmas, and extremes.

Threes mean unity, family, and completion.

Fours mean consistency, stability, and stubbornness

Fives mean power, instability, and domination/submission.

Sixes mean harmony, journeys to harmony, and contentedness.

Sevens mean imagination, spirituality, and the higher mind.

Eights mean limits, boundaries, and ambiguity.

Nines mean isolation, introspection, and epiphany.

Tens mean fulfillment, culmination, and totality.


Look at the picture itself. The pictures themselves have particular meanings. Some are more mysterious than others. This is intentional; as all things in life can be interpreted differently, and nothing is black or white, such is the tarot. Study the pictures themselves. It is best to get a deck with detailed cards if one is new to tarot so that the cards can be studied thoroughly.

For example, suppose a reader drew the Magician Card. This is number one in the major arcana. You know this is about the individual’ personal life and personal transformation. You know that the number one means newness, beginnings, and creation.

Now, looking at the card itself, the reader sees more symbolism. In many decks, the magician is working with a pentacle, a cup, a wand, and a sword. All the elements are represented and vital to transforming energy at will. He wears red robes. He is like royalty or clergy, but also neither. He reaches up into the sky with a baton his right hand. He points to the ground with his left hand. As above, so below. He shows and leads the way. He may have the infinity sign over his head. Energy never dies. It only changes. Roses climb all around him. Life proliferates; beauty proliferates. Beauty is balance. Infinity is balance. Four elements in balance. The sky and the Earth in balance. He has a snake biting itself around his waist. Infinity around him.

What does this tell you about what the magician represents? It certainly doesn’t mean that the individual is going to pull a rabbit out of a hat.


Is the card reversed? A reversed card has its own meaning. Sometimes, it’s clearly the plain opposite of the card when right-side up. Other times, it’s more nuanced. Usually, a card with a more nuanced meaning when right-side up has a more nuanced meaning when upside down.

For example, the four of Wands card means marriage, stability, happy home, and abundant happiness. The opposite of that can mean divorce, loss of home, and loss of happiness and stability.

However, a more esoteric card, like the Tower, already means death, destruction, chaos, and ruin. Reversed, it means the same thing, but that the individual is in denial or refusing to face the fact that something is over.


Let your intuition be your guide. When all is said and done, a reader’s best tool is their own intuition, developed over continuous practice. This practice helps the reader develop a connection to their cards. The more they practice, the more they use their cards, and the more readings they do, the stronger the connection. Thus, when someone is getting a tarot card reading, they’re actually getting more than a mere interpretation of where random cards lie. They’re witnessing the reader tap into universal knowledge using the special language of the tarot and receiving the gift of guidance from the universe.

Your First Tarot Card Reading

Getting your First Tarot Card Reading: What to Expect, What to Do, What Not to Do, and What to Do When It’s Over

So, you’re getting your first tarot card reading. You know it involves cards, a reader, and a reader interpreting those cards. You ask a question and they answer based on what the cards say. And you’re understandably confused. Well, the good news is that your tarot card reader knows what to do. But as far as the rest goes, here’s a guide for what to do before and during your reading, what not to do, and what to do when it’s over.

What to Do Before Your Reading

It’s best to go into a reading with an open mind. Since you’re asking the universe to help you, you have to accept what the universe gives you. It knows more than you do, and it may not give you an answer you expect or even want right now. The reading will go as it will go, but to avoid an unproductive reading or disappointment, do not go in expecting a specific answer. If you knew the answer, you wouldn’t get a reading, right?

Focus on a specific yes or no question. The most productive readings are for yes or no questions. Find a way to whittle down your question until it could be answered with yes or no. Do you want to find a new career? If you literally asked “What career should I try?” You may get an answer, but it won’t be as specific or helpful as asking, “Should I pursue a career as a plastic surgeon?”

Try to leave your baggage at the door. You don’t want to go into your reading worried about that bitch at work who said something mean about your new sweater, or if the grocery store has that coffee you like on sale. If you can, take a few minutes to do some deep breathing so you can better focus on the reading. Make sure you’re rested enough and not hungry, either. It would be a pity to waste a reading because all you could think about is how hungry you were.


What to Do During Your Reading:

Stay focused. Turn your ringer off and avoid distractions. Go to the bathroom before your reading. You have set aside this moment to ask someone to reach into the collective unconscious and pull up guidance from the universe for you. The only thing you have to do in that moment is think about the reading.

Do what the reader says. If the reader asks you to cut the deck once, do so. If you’re asked to choose a card but not look at it, do exactly that. If you’re asked to close your eyes and concentrate, do that. Everything you’re asked to do is for a reason and for your benefit.

Answer questions thoroughly. If your reader asks you for specifics, go ahead and give them specifics. For example, if you ask if you should look for another job, the reader may ask you what kind of work you do so as to better interpret the cards.


What NOT to Do During Your Reading:

Don’t change your mind, keep asking questions, or hem and haw. If you have asked a clear question and you have focused on it, then that’s it. You don’t need to give the reader — or the universe — more context. Imagine if you’re playing baseball against the reader. You pitch a ball and expect the reader to hit it. If you ask a yes or no question, you may just get a home run! Now imagine that instead of pitching one ball, you throw two curve balls, one screwball, three fastballs, four up in the air for no reason, and then roll another few along the ground. The reader is probably not going to hit any of those balls.

Don’t touch the cards unless told to do so. The reader may ask you to pick the cards. After that, don’t touch them. They’re there for the reader to read and interpret. You wouldn’t reach up and grab the bottle while your hairdresser is dying your hair, right? Yes, you picked out the color, but now you let them do their job.

Don’t play with your cellphone or take pictures without permission. Stay focused on the reading. Stay focused on the conversation in front of you. And while the reader may not have an issue with you taking pictures of the spread, don’t assume that you can interrupt the reading to do so. Once your reader is in their groove, leave them in their groove. You’re the one who loses if you create distractions.

Don’t test your reader. There is nothing wrong with being a skeptic. There is something wrong with employing the services of another and then giving them a hard time on purpose. If you’re skeptic, ask the reader questions and speak to them in a civil manner outside of a reading. A tarot card reader need not be a psychic to give an effective reading. Purposely withholding information or giving incorrect information is childish and waste of time for both of you.


What to Do After Your Reading:

There is really only one rule here:

Don’t dwell or obsess. Yes, you have been given advice on how to go about your business, and whether or not the news is good or bad, the point is to move forward. You still have free will, so even if you were told that whatever you want to do will probably work out well, this isn’t a guarantee. If you’re told that something you want may not work out, you can figure out an alternative course of action.

Dwelling keeps you stuck in the past. It also makes you feel powerless. The point of tarot is to empower you. You’ve been shown a direction and now you have to choose to walk it or not.

The reading was for a specific moment in time, and now that the time has past, you take what you learned and put it to good use. Keep your wheels moving.

Okay, I lied. There are two rules:

Say thank you to your tarot card reader. They appreciate it.

Introduction to the History of Tarot

Where does Tarot Come From?

Tarot comes from a long line of objects used for divination. Arab cultures engaged in cartomancy, or the use of cards for divination centuries before the tarot deck was used for the same purpose. There is a belief that tarot cards came from ancient Egypt, and that the symbolism was handed down from the ancients. There is no evidence of this, but that doesn’t diminish the power of the tarot anymore than the power of runes is diminished because runes were also once used to write letters and sign posts.

Tarot cards, as we know them, literally started as a playing deck. In about 1350, the Italian tarocchi, or tarot in French, was a set of playing cards with ornate, symbolic pictures. Like modern day playing cards and tarot cards, the deck included 4 suits with court cards like kings, queens, knights, jacks/pages as well as ten numbered cards.

It wasn’t until the late 18th century that occultists in England and France determined that the pictures in the cards were not merely ornamental but symbolic, and that the cards could be used for divination. The theory behind tarotology, or the basis for divine inspiration from interpreting tarot cards, is that the cards represent different aspects of life, life experiences, or life possibilities, and that the tarot card reader taps into the collective unconscious when choosing the cards to pick those that accurately represent the past, present, and future. Another theory is that the tarot card reader is guided by a spirit or by the universe itself to choose cards with symbolism that the reader will interpret to accurately represent the past, present, and future.

There are tarot decks for every taste and aesthetic, so listing all of them may be impossible. However, there are historically a few different types of tarot decks for which others can trace their origins.

The Fundamentals of the Modern Tarot Deck

The modern tarot deck was created in 1901, known as the Rider-Waite deck. A.E. White was a mystic and member of the Golden Dawn. He interpreted the symbolism on the 15th century tarocchi and had artist Deborah Coleman Smith illustrate his descriptions. This 78-card deck is the mother of almost all modern decks, as the symbolism and imagery for each cards hails from the Rider-Waite card illustrations.

While tarot decks can vary widely in their designs, every modern tarot deck has 78 cards, including 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana cards.

The 22 major arcana cards numbered 0 – 21, with The Fool starting at 0 and ending with The World at 21. The 21 major arcana cards are not part of one of the suits. Each one is its own distinct archetype and symbolic message. The major arcana has been interpreted to be like a life’s journey, from being born as the Fool, to experiencing all that life has to offer, to The World, the end of life’s cycle.

The minor arcana consists of 56 cards over four suits: Pentacles, Swords, Wands, and Cups. The suits represent the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, respectively. The elements have had a place in Western occultism since the times of the Greek and Roman empires, beginning with the study of alchemy. The elements are still a major component of astrology and magick within some pagan traditions and practices

The suit of Pentacles belongs to the element of Earth. Earth deals with the tangible, such as wealth, production, food, bodily needs, the physical world outside of the mind, and the feminine.

The suit of Cups belongs to the element of Water. Water deals with the emotional and psychic. Relationships, intuition, psychic ability, feelings, imagination, and the feminine are the province of water.

The suit of Wands belongs to the element of Fire. Fire is the spark of life, and as such, it rules energy, action, inspiration, creativity, sexuality, movement, passion, enthusiasm, and the masculine.

The suit of Swords belongs to the element of Air. Air is the intellect, the higher mind, invention, innovation, change, transcendence, agreement, communication, open conflict, and the masculine.

Each element of the minor arcana has 14 cards. There is an ace, king, queen, knight and page, and cards 2 – 10. Each of these cards has its own picture with its own meaning according to whichever element it belongs.

Using the Modern Tarot Deck

There is no definitive source on how a tarot deck should be used for a reading. There are recommended and popular spreads. Some readings may involve one card, some three, some upwards of forty-two. A.E. Waite of the Rider-Waite Deck, included in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot various spreads, including the Celtic Cross. However, a spread is as personal to the reader as is the link to the tarot deck.

There are as many possible spreads as the imagination can come up with. A reader may choose a specific spread based on the type of reading you request. There are readers who prefer to create their own spread. This is perfectly reasonable, as divination and magick are all personalized in order to increase their effectiveness.