Archive - May 2017

Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands:

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

Eight wands appear to be pointing to the lower right. They may be in the sky over a river near a green mountain. The scene is full of life and serenity. There is peace in the world around the wands, whatever they’re doing.

The wands may be flying upward to the left. They may be falling downward to the right. Either way, they travel together, in formation, with force. Nothing is in their way, and nothing controls them or stops them.

The eight wands are free and clear to move as they please, and they do so with great force. The Eight of Wands thus represents the moving forward of energy, ideas, and plans, when there’s nothing to stop you.

The Eight of Wands has gotten through the impasse that the Seven of Wands was in when it was fighting to hold its ground. The Eight of Wands, however, holds no ground, but needs none either, as the wands are taking flight. It’s given up holding the land, in exchange for something better: freedom.

The Eight of Wands shows the letting go of the things one used to think was important frees one to find what it is they truly want. The querent doesn’t need to hold onto the past or even the present, because there’s a bright future somewhere in the distance, and to get there, the querent has to travel light.

The Eight of Wands can also indicate that the querent is following a new, innovative idea, something that no one else has come up with. They’re free to do as they want, but they may not have the ground beneath them, as in they may not have proof or evidence that it will work. The Eight of Wands only concerns itself with the beginning, the spark, the initial motivation.

The Eight of Wands also represents self-promotion, in that the eight wants are self-propelling, moving themselves forward through space. The querent may be in a position to sell themselves to someone or to the public at large and generate enthusiasm for a product, idea, or work of art.

When Reversed:

When the Eight of Wands is reversed, the querent may be stagnating. They’re not motivated or inspired. The querent may feel that life is a treadmill moving at one speed. They may also feel as if life is actually slowing down and that they can’t find a way to speed up.

The Eight of Wands reversed could also mean that the querent is moving too fast, too soon. They’re liable to crash and burn if they don’t slow down and take heed of the pace. After all, there is some wide, picturesque country to see, so why not enjoy the ride while it lasts?

The Eight of Wands reversed could also mean obstacles that stop movement dead in its tracks. The obstacle may not have been foreseen but is formidable, and it needs to either be taken down or worked around. Trying to fly through it won’t work.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent was motivated, energetic, and moving forward. They probably accomplished a lot, and this is the basis for the life they lead today.

Present: In the present, the querent is motivated and inspired. They’re probably chomping at the bit to get out of the gate and get racing. They may not have a lot of patience when it comes to doing what they envision.

Future: In the future, obstacles and delays will be cleared, and the querent will be free to chase their dreams and focus solely on wish fulfillment.

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands:

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A young man in a green tunic and orange pants is moving and placing wands. It looks as if he’s putting in a lot of effort to do so. Either that, or he’s defending his position at the top of a cliff where he stands on either side of the river. This man is going to have to maintain his position through force or intimidation.

Notice that he’s got on one short shoe and one long shoe. On one hand, he’s quick to move and take action. On the other hand, he’s slow, deliberate, cautious, and protective. Either he got dressed in hurry, or he’s showing that he’s got a balanced perspective.

The Seven of Wands does what it has to do to get by. This is the strength of conviction, the will to stand one’s ground and do what it takes to keep it. The man here is alone, fighting off unknown others, who may or may not be present. He could be preparing for war. He could be in war right now. Perhaps it doesn’t matter if his goal is defense and fortification.

The Seven of Wands is defending what one has and using the resources one has to the best of one’s ability. This man has seven wands to protect the patch of land he straddles. This card is about using what one has creatively to hold onto to whatever one has.

The Seven of Wands can’t move back any more or he’ll fall off the cliff. This card represents a crisis moment, do-or-die, where one has been backed into a corner and has no choice but to defend themselves.

The Sixth of Wands is man receiving praise for a job well done. He now has to defend his position as top dog. The Seven of Wands is also the maintenance of a professional or personal reputation against attacks or rumors. However, it’s also a declaration of one’s ego, even if others challenge that ego perception. The Seven of Wands has to put his money where his mouth is. If he can do that, then he deserves to remain where he is.

When Reversed:

When the Seven of Wands is reversed, the querent usually lacks the fortitude to fight for themselves or is too willing to compromise and give in to others. They may have a history of not standing their ground. It’s also possible that in order to stay safe, they gave up what was rightfully theirs instead of defending it.

The Seven of Wands can also indicate that the querent is too touchy and too defensive. The querent may find insult and offensive where none would normally be taken. It can indicate a person looking for a fight and looking for someone else to blame for their predicament.

The querent may be in a place where they can’t live on their own terms because they rely on the opinions and esteem of others, and rebelling is impossible, even if they bitterly want to do it.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent struggled with how others perceived them and with possible attacks on their reputation and social status. They come to this point weary of being at war with the world.

Present: Currently, the querent is battling others, and perhaps the entire world, to maintain its turf. It’s not advancing or retreating, but standing its ground, defiantly.

Future: In the future, the querent is going to be put in a position to defend themselves or maintain themselves in some way. Whatever they have today may be the thing in jeopardy.

Six of Wands

Six of Wands:

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A man wearing a laurel wreath, symbolizing wisdom, rides a white horse robed in green. Green symbolizes the energy of life, and white symbolizes purity. The man wears red, the color of life. His wand has a circular wreath on it, symbolizing completion.

He’s flanked with young men who hold up their own wands in salute. This man is being recognized for his achievements and his ability to bring the people together. It’s possible that what he’s bringing together are the young men from the Five of Wands who all seemed to be at cross-purposes from each other.

A leader has emerged, and he’s been successful at getting them all to focus and combine their energy, even if for now, that energy and focus is entirely on him. He’s a role model in a sense, riding high on his white horse, wearing the laurel wreath of a scholar, showing them the way.

The Sixth of Wands is triumph over adversity, and being lauded for doing so. This is recognition for a job well done for bringing together people or ideas. The querent’s unique set of skills and talents bring them to a place where others recognize them especially for those talents and skills.

Of course, The Sixth of Wands can also indicate letting some of that appreciation go to one’s head. The querent may be basking in the limelight and doing more basking than working. Time will tell whether this is a phase and the querent will get off their high horse and back to work, or if this is how the querent operates.

The Sixth of Wands is also recognizing that one has done well and accepting the praise and recognition that comes with being very good at something. Instead of shying away and finding ways to criticize one’s self, the Sixth of Wands tells the querent to accept praise where praise is due and to be grateful for having any good light cast upon them.

The good opinion of other people is paramount to The Sixth of Wands. The man is nothing but a man on a horse without the five other men near him holding up their wands in honor to him.

When Reversed:

When the sixth of wands is reversed, the querent is less humble and more arrogant about their accomplishments. They may also believe that they deserve praise when it’s unwarranted or that they should continue to get praise well after they’ve already gotten the praise due to them.

The Sixth of Wands can also indicate that querent isn’t getting praise for what they should be praised for. Someone else has stolen the credit, or they’ve been overlooked. It’s possible that the querent is humble, but if the Sixth of Wands is reversed, it’s more indicative of a person who allows themselves to be walked over.

Someone or something may be making the querent feel inferior and less capable than the querent actually is: they may be square pegs in round holes where they are.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent was recognized for a job well done, and probably cultivated a good reputation because of it. That reputation is probably the one they have now.

Present: Right now, the querent is being recognized for a job well done. They’re being praised not just for what they did, but who they are and the unique set of talents they have.

Future: Soon, the querent will be recognized for their hard work and accomplishments and get the public recognition they deserve.

Five of Wands

Five of Wands:

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

The Five of Wands is a mysterious card in its own right. Five young men raise five wands in what appears to be either a free-for-all-fight or a free-for-all-game. However, none of the sticks hit anyone, and none of the wands touch each other.

They could be simply showing each other their wands, and what they can do with them. Or, they’re a rowdy, unorganized bunch carrying wands somewhere but lack direction. The young men all dress differently and carry their wands in different ways. If there is one thing for certain about The Five of Wands, it’s that the card shows diversity and possibilities for action.

While it certain shows possibilities for action, it doesn’t show much in the way of actual action. The young men could be working together, or against each other, or simply as five individuals trying to do their own thing. The Five of Wands represents chaos: disorganized energy scattered and shot into different directions without rhyme or reason.

Granted, it may be fun to go out half-cocked and trying everything possible, but at the same time, when one spreads themselves thin, they don’t accomplish much. The Five of Wands can represent competition for the sake of it, just to show who’s better, but not to improve or accomplish something.

However, it’s not necessarily a bad thing to be a little disorganized, especially when there is good intentions. Perhaps what the Five of Wands best shows is the very beginning of organizing people or things together to do one thing or follow one course of action. Sure, it’s messy at first, but the details get ironed out later.

The Four of Wands completed a personal journey and landed at a place of stability with those who welcomed it. Now, it wants to organize these people to work together, but it’s not coming together that easily, and everyone seems to be confused or at cross-purposes.

The Five of Wands thus represents the very beginning of initiating action with other people and the work that needs to be done before there is a real meeting of the minds and an ensuing shared purpose. Misunderstandings and confusion are bound to happen, but they’re not intentional.

When Reversed:

When the Five of Wands is reversed, the querent is usually stuck in this cycle where they just can’t focus energy or attention, or get people to work together, no matter what they do.

Of course, what usually happens is that the querent throws up their hands and walks away, deciding to simply go at it alone and leave the others to their confusion and fighting. It may feel comforting to leave it all, but it sacrificing the potential power that could have been harnessed had the querent had the patience to get everyone to work together.

The Five of Wands reversed may also mean that the querent knows that it hasn’t gotten its stuff together, but it’s ignoring that. It would rather not focus on what needs to be done.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent dealt with a lot of chaos, confusion, and lack of direct that they either ironed out or are still stuck dealing with now.

Present: In the present, the querent is dealing with trying to get a fledging effort off the ground, herding cats, and focusing energy on one major effort.

Future: In the future, the querent is going to struggle with focusing on what is important and how to get people to cooperate with them.

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A happy couple wave out to you from afar. Four wands hold up a wedding canopy of flowers and fruit, and it’s as if the reader is being called to walk under it.

It’s possible that there’s a party and the people are waiting for someone to come home. There is an overall sense of welcoming. One man wears blue, the color of clarity, and the woman wears red, the color of life. There is a union of people in the background, by the castle.

The ground appears to be an expanse of the same dirt that the Three of Wands traversed. It ends at a white castle, at purity, where there’s apparently a party going on. The weary traveler is invited to come and join the festivities.

The land is lush up against the castle, where the castle wall expands from one end of the card to another, rising up as it goes from left to right.

The Four of Wands is stability and celebration. The Three of Wands has made it through the dry land and over the mountains. It didn’t know what was on the other side, but the Four of Wands shows that the wanderer lucked out. Not only is there plenty in the case of material goods, but there is plenty of protection, and social stability.

The wedding canopy denotes that there is a family gathering happening right now, that there is harmony between different groups, and that they’re celebrating the creation of harmony.

The Four of Wands is a big sigh of relief, and a pair of welcoming arms to fall into. It’s taking joy in family, close friends, places that are welcoming. The Four Wands is in particular places and people that make the querent feel welcome and taken care of. Those places need not be the querent’s actual home or actual family.

Peace is created with the Four of Wands, just as a marriage is created through the assent of two adults choosing to become family with each other. The querent has to actively create or seek out this harmony. Like a marriage, the querent is choosing their own family and their own people to be at peace with.

When Reversed:

When the Four of Wands is reversed, it usually means that there is disharmony and social rejection. Whether the social rejection is done by the querent or is done to the querent depends on other factors. It may be that the querent is like water and oil with the people it’s supposed to get along with.

The Four of Wands reversed can also indicate instability, like a marriage on the rocks, or a changing family dynamic that puts the peace at risk. It may also represent an outright denial of whatever threatens the family stability, thereby allowing the threat to go unchecked.

The querent may be rejecting family or long-term relationships. They may not want to give up their freedom for the stability of the group, and they may part ways.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, things were well with the querent. They may have had a charmed life with no major issues. They were secure and felt well cared for.

Present: In the present, the querent feels stable, loved, and nourished. They may not be particularly ambitious for more than that.

Future: In the future, the querent will achieve the stability and family they’re looking for, provided that they actively seek it out.

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A man stands among three wands on a small mound of sparsely green land looking out to the distance. He looks out at a vast dry sea, at nothing. There are mountains in the distance at the horizon. Is he looking toward the mountains, or perhaps, is he wondering what is beyond those mountains?

The man wears red and green, the colors life. On his shoulder is a cape with a black and yellow checked band, like a racing flag. This man isn’t going to be on that mound of dirt much longer. His journey may not be a pleasant one, but he is resolved to move forward.

And he is resolved to go even though it appears that others failed on the same adventure. There are ships in the dirt in the distance. This man, however, will not suffer the same fate. He’s got all he needs within him and if he needs more, he’ll find it on the way.

The Three of Wands has progressed beyond the Two of Wands, where the man plans when the conditions are good. For the Three of Wands, the going is tough, and therefore, the tough get going. The Three of Wands is grit and determination to overcome and conquer, despite the odds.

The Three Wands doesn’t know what’s ahead. Unlike the Two of Wands, the Three of Wands doesn’t have a globe to look at to help him prepare. He’s just going to have to trust his own strength to get through.

The Three of Wands are plans that are happening no matter what. There is no best time, no waiting it out. There is an urgent need to move forward, and that is what the querent will do, because it’s no use staying where they are. However, in this case, they’re looking forward to moving on to bigger and better things.

In fact, from this vantage point, anything is bigger and better, because chances are the querent is starting out at the very beginning, or with nothing, or simply with nothing to lose. The only way left to go is forward, and forward, the Three of Wands will go.

When Reversed:

When the Three of Wands is reversed, the querent is either afraid to get out of a rut and move forward, or has done so but without direction. The querent may have wandered away from wherever they were but don’t have a plan or an idea of where they want to end up. They may be aimless and groping in the dark.
The querent may also be afraid of moving forward. They may decide that the devil they know is better than the one they don’t know, and that they would rather stay in a bad, but familiar situation than to move on and seek out greener pastures in the unknown.

The querent may have to make the motions of doing something different or new, but doesn’t actually want to leave the comfort and safety of what they know.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent moved bravely into the unknown and succeeded in getting over some rough things. They’ve overcome and conquered, and this has brought them here today.

Present: Right now, the querent is at the beginning of a personal adventure that will take them into the unknown and possibly through a few new situations.

Future: The querent can look forward to a time where they have no choice but to make a bold move and embark on an adventure because right now, there’s nothing to stay here for.

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A man, possibly a traveler, holds the globe in his right hand and a wand in his left hand as he looks out past the shoreline, past the city, and over the vast ocean. He stares intently, holding the world, literally in his hands.

Under the left wand is a square made of two lilies and two roses. The two roses represent the balance of magic and desire to impose one’s will on the world, while the two lilies represent the balance of purity and allowing things to be.

The Two of Wands is about the balance of exerting the will and allowing things to be. Notice that the man is cradling the world in his hands, not clutching it greedily. There is a staff attached to the wall next to him. If he wanted, he could hold that, too. It will always be there for him. He knows that.

His hat is red, symbolizing passion and lust for life, and he wears orange clothes, symbolizing his enthusiasm for being alive and a thirst for adventure. This is a man ready for action. He’s not going out half-cocked, and he isn’t afraid to go into the unknown or the undiscovered.

The Two of Wands is the next step from the Ace of Wands. This is action that is planned and executed. The Two of Wands represents strategy behind action, when balance in needed. The Two of Wands is the careful timing, planning, behind all well-executed adventures.

Whenever this card shows up in a spread, the querent is not being told to act now or to wait, but to plan and hone. It tells the querent to wait for the right time to make a move. The man holding the globe could technically go at any time, but the right time depends on things out of his control, like the weather, the ocean, the condition of a ship, and the crew who goes with him. One thing goes wrong, and it all goes wrong.

But if the querent has everything they need, and has left no detail ignored, then success is all but given.

When Reversed:

When Two of Wands is reversed, the querent is either prone to haste and sloppiness or is so bogged down in getting the details right that they fail to ever make a move, even when the time couldn’t be better.

The querent is paralyzed and refuses to act. This may be a sign of classic failure to launch, where a young person refuses to go through the rites of passage expected of them when heading toward adulthood.

This may also indicate underachievement, where a person figuratively has the world in their hands, and all the advantages at their disposal, but doesn’t do anything with it. They just stay where they’re comfortable, letting the world go by, living in their own little castle.

To that end, the querent may not only be an underachiever, but think more of themselves than their actual accomplishments should let them.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: The querent was careful to plan their lives or some other great venture and succeeded. It has led them to the present, where the next adventure lies.

Present: Currently, the querent is waiting for the right time to pounce. They’re being shrewd and observant. They’ll be ready to take off any moment.

Future: Something in the querent’s life has been leading up to a point where they have to make a move. They’ll realize this and plan their departure or attack in the near future.

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A giant white luminous right hand reaches out from a cloud and holds a wand over the land. There’s a white castle in the distance, a fortress where the human powers that be over this land reside and rule.

But humans make their rules. The river that separates the hand and the castle shows that there is a current of emotion, of feeling and psychic charge that separates the two.

The laws of man aren’t necessary the laws of the universe. The hand clearly obeys the universe. For even though the hand comes out of nowhere, the wand is living. A wand is used to direct energy from one place or one plane to another. This one is pointing up, and the hand may be ready to use it.

Or, the hand is offering you this wand, and this chance, to follow your own rules and let the rules of humankind stay in the distance. You have to do what you know is right for you. And who knows? Perhaps someday, it’ll be you in the castle, ruling over the land.

The Ace of Wands is nothing shorter than a call to action. This is a push from the universe telling the querent to go for it. Do it, don’t think about it. At least, don’t over think it. The Ace of Wands tells the querent to go with their instinct, even if it runs counter to what the world tells them to do.

The Ace of Wands begins things. There is life on its wand for a reason: the suit of wands represents the life force, creativity, and the will to be and do. The Ace of Wands is the beginning or initial push to something creative or powerful, or just completely from one’s heart.

Wherever this card ends up in a spread, the querent or client is called to forge or create a new way. This isn’t a call to follow in someone else’s footsteps or to do what everyone has done. In fact, The Ace of Wands tells the querent to do what no one else they know has done before.

When Reversed:

When the Ace of Wands is reversed, the querent may be afraid of starting something new, even though they know that they absolutely must do it. They may be more of a follower who now has to figure out how to be a rebel.

It’s also possible that the querent wants to do something new but either doesn’t think they can or actually cannot at the time. Either there are real circumstances in the way, keeping them from forging their own path, or imagined ones.

The querent may be full of excuses as to why they can’t do whatever trailblazing thing they dream of doing. Chances are that those excuses are nothing but excuses, and that the querent is either afraid to take action, or simply doesn’t know how. It’s possible that the querent has no role models to show them the way.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent was enterprising and followed the beat of their own drum, taken the road “less traveled by.” This has led them to the present.

Present: Right now, the querent either wants to or is busting out, breaking the mold, and doing their own thing. Rebelling against the status quo is likely.

Future: In the future, everything the querent is doing now will lead up to a time when they can break free and do their own thing. This may be the reward of hard work, or the inevitable result of the work they’re doing now.

The World

The World

At the end of the major arcana, and thus at the end of a major life cycle, the tarot comes full circle, to the world. In the beginning, the Fool was stepping on the ledge of the world. Now, all is in harmony. The woman in the middle carries the same baton that magicians and leaders carry. She looks to her left, at what she’s leaving behind, while walking to the right.

She is floating in a laurel wreath, which symbolizes cosmic wisdom and harmony. The wreath is tied above and below with red silk, symbolizing the magic that holds the universe together, both above and below. There is something very celebratory about all of this, like a triumphant walk into the sunset, or in this case, a walk into infinity.

In the four corners are the head of an angel, an ox, an eagle, and a lion, symbolizing the Gospels and the fixed signs of the zodiac, symbolizing completion and stability.

When a querent or client draws The World, it symbolizes the successful completion of something, usually something internal. While it can symbolize worldly success, it still signifies that the querent him or herself has surpassed a milestone or has matured psychology. It can denote a marriage, a birth, a graduation, a hiring, or a promotion. The latter two would lead to a new phase of the querent’s life.

This can also signify that the querent has lived through something serious and has come out the victor. They’ve grown. They’re stronger, wiser, more mature, and ready to take the next step, whatever it is. Whatever completion or accomplishment happens, it affects them on the inside, and changes who they are for the better. They’re different now; they’re improved.

The World card may also signify broadening one’s horizons. One may get more education, move far away, or travel overseas. One might also get involved in a study that expands their minds. The querent may meet someone who introduces them to not just a new world, but a world that’s more fitting for them. This can signify a happy marriage or other fated, important relationship.

When Reversed:

When The World is reversed, it often means that querent has missed an opportunity, that they had a shot at success and either held back or didn’t recognize it. They may be stuck in a rut, especially a psychological one, where they undo all of their efforts.

This can also mean that something remains undone and it keeps the querent from moving forward. This could be due to fear, uncertainty, or lack of focus.

The querent may actually be afraid of success and what success will bring. This is especially true if this success takes them to a place where the competition is stiffer and the rewards fewer.

The World reversed can also indicate a person or specific situation that keeps the querent from moving on and completing things. Someone or something may be holding them back, and they just have to be patient.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent had gone through a personal revolution or had a major accomplishment, and it now sets the tone for what they’re going to do next.

Present: Currently, the querent is enjoying success and enjoying the rewards. They may be resting and simply basking right now, not necessarily planning the next move.

The querent can expect success in the future. The World is one of the best cards to get in this position. It represents a future where everything will work out if the querent stays the course.



Naked Men, women, and children rise up from their tombs and stretch their arms up to the heralding angel above. Their skin is ashen; the color of death and stillness (but also patience), and their hair is gold. They may be dead, but they have wisdom. They’re all naked, all gray, all golden-haired, all equals now, in death. Who they used to be or thought they were doesn’t matter now. Despite the ocean and the mountains, all rise to greet Judgement, who cannot be stopped or thwarted.

Judgement has golden hair, the sign of wisdom. His wings a red and purple, the colors of magic and spirituality. His cloak is blue, the color of peace and clarity. He comes on a cloud, and he blows a trumpet, heralding a new era. Hanging from his trumpet is a flag with a red cross on it, St. George’s Cross. St. George is the patron saint of war heroes and the Crusades.

Judgement itself is benevolent. Even judgement may have developed a negative connotation in our culture in recent times, this card doesn’t represent judgemental attitudes or behaviors but the weighing and measuring of people by what they say and do. The people greeting judgement are humble and good; they’ll be judged fairly and rewarded.

When the client or querent draws the Judgement card, they’re experiencing or about to experience a period of reflection at the end of a major era of their lives. Judgement is the beginning of a turning point. The journey through the major arcana is coming to an end, and the time for reflecting on this era has come.

The querent is about to start a new chapter of his or life, and they now have to assess what they’re learned, and what they’re bringing with them. Like the corpses on the card, they should ideally bring neither baggage nor notions of who they think they are. This card doesn’t signal the action itself, but rather, the time to think about where they’re been, what they’ve done, and who they’ve been, and if this is what they want going forward.

When Reversed:

When the Judgement card is, reversed almost always signals that the client or querent refuses to move on and is holding onto the past or to delusion. They may also be mired in self-doubt and a cycle of self-criticism that keeps them from acting. They don’t act, they criticize themselves, and then they keep refraining from acting.

Judgement reversed may also mean someone is so steeped in denial about who they are or what they’ve become that they don’t understand why they reap what they sow. They don’t want to face judgement or greet it because they know, deep down, they’re going to hear something far different than what they want to hear.
Judgement reversed can also simply represent active hypocrisy, deflection, or projection. It may represent a querent or a person who doesn’t practice what they preach or accuses others of the bad things they do.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, one came to the end of an era and reflected on what happened, and how it changed them. They’re ready to move on and leave their egos behind and reap what they’ve sown.

Present: Presently, one is at a turning point. Whatever was done in the past has served them well and has helped them grow, but they must move on and go on to the next phase of life.

Future: The end is coming, and one is warned or advised to reflect on what they’ve done and if that’s what they want to be known and judged by. If not, they must change. If so, then they can expect a rest from the hardships of this life.