Tag - three of wands meaning

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Suit: Wands
Element: Fire
Function: The Will, Action, Creativity, and Initiation

A man stands among three wands on a small mound of sparsely green land looking out to the distance. He looks out at a vast dry sea, at nothing. There are mountains in the distance at the horizon. Is he looking toward the mountains, or perhaps, is he wondering what is beyond those mountains?

The man wears red and green, the colors life. On his shoulder is a cape with a black and yellow checked band, like a racing flag. This man isn’t going to be on that mound of dirt much longer. His journey may not be a pleasant one, but he is resolved to move forward.

And he is resolved to go even though it appears that others failed on the same adventure. There are ships in the dirt in the distance. This man, however, will not suffer the same fate. He’s got all he needs within him and if he needs more, he’ll find it on the way.

The Three of Wands has progressed beyond the Two of Wands, where the man plans when the conditions are good. For the Three of Wands, the going is tough, and therefore, the tough get going. The Three of Wands is grit and determination to overcome and conquer, despite the odds.

The Three Wands doesn’t know what’s ahead. Unlike the Two of Wands, the Three of Wands doesn’t have a globe to look at to help him prepare. He’s just going to have to trust his own strength to get through.

The Three of Wands are plans that are happening no matter what. There is no best time, no waiting it out. There is an urgent need to move forward, and that is what the querent will do, because it’s no use staying where they are. However, in this case, they’re looking forward to moving on to bigger and better things.

In fact, from this vantage point, anything is bigger and better, because chances are the querent is starting out at the very beginning, or with nothing, or simply with nothing to lose. The only way left to go is forward, and forward, the Three of Wands will go.

When Reversed:

When the Three of Wands is reversed, the querent is either afraid to get out of a rut and move forward, or has done so but without direction. The querent may have wandered away from wherever they were but don’t have a plan or an idea of where they want to end up. They may be aimless and groping in the dark.
The querent may also be afraid of moving forward. They may decide that the devil they know is better than the one they don’t know, and that they would rather stay in a bad, but familiar situation than to move on and seek out greener pastures in the unknown.

The querent may have to make the motions of doing something different or new, but doesn’t actually want to leave the comfort and safety of what they know.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent moved bravely into the unknown and succeeded in getting over some rough things. They’ve overcome and conquered, and this has brought them here today.

Present: Right now, the querent is at the beginning of a personal adventure that will take them into the unknown and possibly through a few new situations.

Future: The querent can look forward to a time where they have no choice but to make a bold move and embark on an adventure because right now, there’s nothing to stay here for.