Tag - what does the queen of pentacles mean in tarot

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

Suit: Pentacles
Element: Earth
Function: Possessions, riches, material things, practicality

The queen sits on her throne cradling a single pentacle as if it’s a small child sitting on her lap. Her ornate throne appears to be made of stone. Her stone thrown has fruit, symbolizing abundance, a child, symbolizing motherhood, a ram, symbolizing bravery, and an angel, symbolizing a connection to the heavens. At her feet is grass and a little clear dirt or roots to the bush or tree from which the branches of roses climb up the right side of the card and pass over the top and down the left side.

The queen lives in a tiny slice of paradise. Flowers surround her. The roses symbolize magic, and the flowers symbolize youth, beauty, and sexual attractiveness. Speaking off, the rabbit at her feet symbolizes fecundity and fertility. Behind her is a river, symbolizing emotions, and behind that, the mountain, symbolizing stability. She dresses in white, the color of purity, and red, the color of passion, and green, the color of life.

The queen is a gentle, nurturing woman, who has all she needs around her, and the capability of making more. She thus has all she needs to take care of someone else, and she enjoys doing so. Her abundance creates abundance; she’ll never run out. The Queen of Pentacles is the consummate mother figure, the universal mother who cares for and protects. She doesn’t feed her children on dreams or fantasies, but gives them what is real and what is good for them.

The Queen of Pentacles is able to care for others because she’s taken care of. She’s not without, and she’s not nursing her own wounds or tending to her own ego. Thus, she can turn her attention entirely on the ones she cares for without feeling deprived or unloved.

It’s important for her to be an a give-and-take relationship, in which she is loved and gives love in return, where she gives joy and is being given joy in return. The Queen of Pentacles isn’t a martyr. She won’t invest her resources in those who don’t need or appreciate her.

When the Queen of Pentacles is Reversed:

When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles is giving and giving and getting nothing in return. The querent is doing all the emotional heavy lifting, all the nurturing, and all the giving, and is being left emotionally in the cold. Nothing is ever good enough, or the other person or thing is just a bottomless pit.

It’s also possible that the querent isn’t really ready to love or care for others, or even themselves. The querent may be anxious about being independent; they may not feel ready for adulthood or for mature, stable relationships.

The querent may also not have a realistic idea of what to expect from other people, or of what to expect from relationships. They may be hopelessly romantic and refuse to accept people despite their flaws. Thus, they may be alone, waiting for their dream man or woman to show up and sweep them off their feet.

In a three-card reading, this card means…

Past: In the past, the querent was very nurturing and had had positive, reciprocal relationships.

Present: Currently, the querent is enjoying loving, giving relationships with others and possibly also being materially blessed through them, too.

Future: The querent will soon be able to nurture others, or to enter into a nurturing relationship with other people.